Hey There!

Do you want a web developer? I enjoy building websites from small business sites to rich interactive web apps.

I am a front-end web developer who holds an Bsc honors degree in Hydrology and a Bsc degree in Geography and Hydrology from the University of Zululand. I am currently learning to be a full stack web developer. If you are a business seeking a web presence or an employer looking to hire, you are in the right place. My approach to website design and development is to create a website that strengthens your company’s brand while ensuring ease of use and simplicity for your audience.

Things I Can Do

I have been doing web development for about 3 months now, and I am always eager to learn more in this fast paced industry. Below are some of the technologies I have been working with:










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Recent Projects

Below are some of my few websites that I have created which used mainly the technologies I meantioned before.

Tribute Page

This is a website created using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. It tells a story on the life of Nunu Ntshingila, the head of facebook in Africa on how she came from humble beginings and came to the top.

Covid-19 Survey Form

A front-end webpage that uses HTML and CSS3 which was designed using Adobe XD and Bootstrap, it can be used on any website as a form of getting information from the user. In this case as you can guess the information is about covid 19.

VM Ware Product Landing Page

A product landing page designed using AdobeXD, Photoshop and illutrator. It was implemented using HTML, CSS3 and JavaScript. This website uses a hypothetical e-commerce website that advertises headphone.

Technical Documentation Page

This is a documentation page about how to use CSS3 and it goes through about this by explaining a few new features it offers comapared to the older version.

Contact Me

If you want to contact me for work or whether you have an idea for a project or just want to chat, feel free to shoot me an email!